As you’ll have read on my website, some of my favourite clients are non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and similar associations. There’s a popular misconception that translating for these customers is easy, and that the work can be done by a student or a machine. But in reality it’s far more complex than it first appears.

Let me tell you a bit more about my clients, to give you an idea:

What fields do they normally work in?

  • Human rights advocacy
  • Cooperation and development
  • Promoting social justice
  • Environmental protection
  • Disability inclusion
  • Protection of disadvantaged and marginalised groups

What type of documents do they usually need to be translated?

  • Brochures, videos, press releases and other campaign materials
  • Annual reports and executive summaries
  • Environmental impact assessments
  • Research papers

As you can see, NGOs handle a wide variety of documents, and not just simple informative texts. Research papers, legal documents and press materials are just a few examples of the types of content that NGOs need to have translated into accurate and impactful language.

What do my customers look for?

They all value the fact that I’m a specialist in their field and have many years of experience. My job requires me to understand the specific terminology and subtleties of the original text, to grasp cultural nuances and the contexts in which the message will be conveyed. All of this in addition to guaranteeing confidentiality and professional ethics.

Translating for these organisations goes beyond merely transferring words from one language to another. It involves communicating values, preserving authenticity and guaranteeing that messages will be understood in different cultural contexts.

Sample translation of a report

My latest translation in this specialist field has been published this month. This is an annual report published by British NGO Global Witness about the murders of land and environmental defenders around the world. It’s entitled Standing Firm: the land and environmental defenders on the frontlines of the climate crisis (Siempre en pie: Personas defensoras de la tierra y el medioambiente al frente de la crisis climática in Spanish), and can be found (in English and my translation into Spanish) here or at

How can I help you?

Translating for NGOs is valuable and complex work that requires specialist skills. If your organisation understands the importance of impactful communication and is concerned about the damage a poor translation can do to your work and reputation, get in touch with me at I can translate your message from English into Spanish, and help you to communicate it effectively and ethically.

The three projects I enjoyed the most in 2022

Now that my new website is finally live, I’d like to share with you a summary of the three projects I enjoyed the most in 2022. It will give you an idea of the type of translations I am best suited for.

You can download the file here.

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